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Client: Whosustain by

Collab İstanbul

Timespan: 2020

Key focus: Sustainable Fashion Marketing, Content Management and Creation, Community Management, Graphic Design, Copywriting

In our search for ethical fashion, we started by asking ourselves this question: Can fashion be sustainable? Then we launched Whosustain to share consumption habits that are good for our world and future, materials that are truly environmentally friendly, and false known fashion facts.


Our social media strategy was to create a discussion channel on sustainable fashion and fashion problems based on the information we have obtained from the most reliable sources. Also, we positioned Whosustain as a reliable hub for the manufacturer, consumer, and brand. We focused on producing content that will create individual awareness and social impact. As a result, we encountered the interest of a valuable community that thinks and reads on this subject.

A Meeting Hub For The Sustainable Fashion Community



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